A. The Beginning
B. Comparison - Baseball and Softball Hitting
C. Players/coaches/authorities
D. Rotational Hitting Aids/drills/cues
E. Linear vs rotational
F. Video analysis
A. Grip & Wrist
B. Launch Position
C. Weight-shift/momentum
D. Lower-body
E. Rotation/Separation
F. Axis of Rotation
A. Initiation
B. Back-arm & Extension
C. Lead-arm & Casting
D. CHP (Circular-Hand-Path)
E. BHT (Bottom-Hand-Torque)
F. PLT & THT (Pre-Launch & Top-Hand-Torque)
G. Hitting the Outside Pitch
H. Contact/Bat Drag/Follow-through
I. Rotational vs Linear Swing Plane
A. The Beginning
Linear vs Rotational cues - Like fitting square pegs in round holes
(Video: Mechanics that generate bat speed)
Purpose of allowing opposing views
Do we actually teach what we see?
The start of my study (Video: CHP & Torque)
Style vs. Absolutes in the swing
All swings will be governed by the same physics principles (the "Absolutes)
The "Absolutes" to a good swing
A dads dream come true
Hard work and efficient swing mechanics makes up for smaller size
B. Comparison -baseball and softball hitting
Pitching vs hitting mechanics (Video: Comparisons)
Softball swing mechanics same as baseball swing (Video: Comparisons)
Softball vs baseball hitting
Linear MLB hitters lose in softball game against rotational Slow Pitch hitters
Differences in baseball and golf swing
Golf grip induce wrist- roll prior to contact
Difference, golf & baseball (by Tom Querry)
C. Players/coaches/authorities
Mankin // Epstein differences
Body rotation still requires efficient transfer mechanics to generate bat speed
Epstein torque (lower body) vs Mankin torque (upper body)
Torque that induces hip rotation - Torque applied at the handle
Epstein - lead elbow
Epstein's box - 90 degree elbows vs straighter arm
Yeager vs Mankin's analysis - Conservation of Momentum
Robert Adair's linear weight shift vs Mankin's rotation about a stationary axis
Bat test data and why Robert Adair may have discounted handle torque
(Video: Physics and Acoustics of Baseball & Softball Bats)
Steve Ferroli - Ted Williams & Flattened hands
Daw - Rubber band analogy
Yeager's whip theory vs Mankin's rotational model
Jim Lefebvre's book - Axis, front-hip vs spine
(Video: Giambi momentum & lead leg)
Zig Ziegler's - Segment deceleration vs Load on rotation causes the deceleration
Tom Querry - "Whipping action" vs BHT
Hudgens' knob first vs Mankin's CHP
Lau To Jack - Firm front leg discussion
Paul Nyman vs Mankin (1) (Video: Misleading THT)
Paul Nyman vs Mankin (2) (Video: Misleading THT simulation)
Dusty Baker - Throwing the bat-head; Crack-of-the-whip theory
D. Rotational Hitting Aids/drills/cues
One-handed swings - Physics Lab test findings
Motion study computer (1) - Findings verify video analysis
Motion study computer (2)
Staying inside the ball
What does staying inside the ball mean?
Motion study computer (3) - Torque & pressure seniors
The plane & the hose drill
Bullwhip - how it works
There is no "Crack of a whip" with a ridged bat
Power: 50% CHP & 50% Torque - Clarification
Tom Waz - KE= 1/2(MVV) - Bringing JJA up to speed on Physics Calculations
E. Linear vs rotational
Linear vs Rotational - Clarification - What constitutes
Linear = Low load to rotation
Zig Ziegler's segment deceleration vs load induced
Linear vs Rotational - Pendulum effect vs Whip action
Problem with Linear Mechanics
(Video: "Whip Effect" vs CHP & Torque)
CHP & Torque vs Whip Model
Linear vs Rotational mechanics
Yeager vs Mankin (Video: pendulum effect v. whip action)
Linear vs Rotational - Loading (weight on legs) & inward turn
Linear Mechanics and the minus 11 bats
Ted Williams & lighter bats effect on mechanics
Linear & Fastpitch Softball hitting mechanics - College coaches teach rotational??
"Swinging too late"
Bat speed from linear theories relies on nonexistent whipping action
F. Video analysis
Key points I look for in video analysis
Requires more than a single view point
Hips or hands first?
Think of rotating hips or the bat-head rearward?
(Video: Sosa & Strawberry)
THT & Bat drag
Once shoulder rotation is depleted
Bat drag - Without THT, bat rotation does not stay in sync with body rotation
Front view & Side view
Reasons for need of each view
Video Camcorder
Recommended camcorders for video analysis with Batspeed's video analysis software - MotionView
A. Grip & Wrist
The Grip - Tight or loose?
(Video: Bat manufactures test results on the grip)
Wrist droop
Does one "knuckle alignment" work
Grip & elbow to the belly button
The Grip - Bat in fingers or palm
Bonds' Grip (both wrists flex) - straighter wrist & loose grip
Separate the hands = More torque?
Wrist snap? Role of the wrist in the swing
Extension (wrist snap) vs BHT (push/pull of forearms)?
Premature wrist roll - what causes it
B. Launch position
Hands to launch position
Hitters have many different styles in how they arrive at launch position
(Video: Bonds, Griffey, Sosa - Hands to launch)
Is "elbow up" a flawed position?
High back elbow - good position for rotational mechanics, but not for linear
Inward-turn & PLT to THT mechanics
(Video: Bonds/A-Rod side by side)
(Video: lead arm of 4 good hitters)
Hands go back with stride vs. Hiding the hands
Shrugging lead-shoulder
Lead-shoulder rotates 150+ degrees while torso rotates 90
"Loading defined"
Inward-turn & pre launch torque
(Video: Bonds/A-rod side-by-side of PLT/THT/BHT)
Inward shoulder turn hides the hands from pitcher
Griffey Jr. and David Wright illustrate the importance of the inward turn and hiding the hands(Video)
Problems with hands creeping forward or into pitcher's view
C. Weight-shift/momentum
Pitching vs hitting mechanics - (Video: comparison clips)
Pitcher's forward momentum after foot plant not productive for swinging a bat
Does weight shift = momentum
Weight shift - Truism or fallacy?
Weight swift & the "Conservation of Momentum
Hip rotation attained from linear weight shift is negligible
Momentum & Gyro Action
Weight on back-foot & discussion of p=mv (Video: Bonds & gyro)
Is linear motion transferred into angular momentum??
Theories on forces that drive hip rotation - (Video: Pathfinder demo; CHP vs. extension)
What drives hip and shoulder rotation
Hip rotation
Legs/pelvic momentum - Swivel chair analogy
Welded wheel vs. depleting rotational momentum model
D. Lower-body
3 camps on hip rotation - (Video: Giambi - "Whip effect" disproved)
Role of the hips - 1000 hp engine analogy
Front foot open or closed
Why Mark McGwire's lead-leg may remain bent at contact on out-side pitch
Lead-leg extension
Hip rotation straightens led-leg & George Brett & THT
Body drifting foreword
The cure
Body tilt - Does not necessarily mean weight on back leg
Batter fully rotates, but bat drags. Why?
No THT creates bat drag
Sync body rotation to bat rotation
E. Rotation/separation
Questioning shoulder rotation & CHP
Mechanics that generate bat speed - (Video: Griffey, Bonds & Rose analysis)
Rotation & un-shrugging shoulders
Lead-shoulder shrug discussion
Hitting the inside and outside pitch mechanics
Lead-shoulder rotates 60+ degrees more than back-shoulder - (Video: Pete Rose)
Hip rotation must stay connected
Hip rotation must contribute to shoulder rotation
Kinetic chain; separation; free wheeling
Muscles fire in unison
Is hips leading the hands due to sequential timing?
Load causes separation -- No load = one-piece-swing (no separation)
Role of hips - Does maximum separation equal disconnection?
Separation/unison - Bowling ball analogy
Pulling head out - Premature rotation & no separation
Why not maximum separation - The 3 step swing (1-2-3)
Hips lead shoulders, but then all rotate in unison
At initiation, all the muscles in the legs and torso are contracting in unison
F. Axis of Rotation
Axis tilt vs. shoulder rotation - (Video: Bonds' tilt and rotation)
add Howard clip
4 axis of rotation
Spinning and rotation
Revolving door vs. swinging gate (blocked lead-side) - (Video: Rose hip/shoulder comparison)
Is there a difference between spinning & rotating?
(Video: Giambi's lower-body mechanics)
Weight-shift - Stationary axis vs. back to center
A. Initiation
Focusing on the whole swing - Not just forward movements
Envision the bat's rearward trajectory
Subconscious mind will set up a motor program
Its CHP/THT/BHT - But you can't think your way through the swing
Sync body rotation to bat-head rotation
Think: Rotate heel, rotate bat head
Obtain your optimum contact position
The mind will provide a motor-program to accomplish the body trajectories you envision
Don't "explode" - Think smooth ever accelerating power
B. Back-arm & Extension
"L" position at contact - Few average hitters attain correct position
Elbow to the belly button - not remaining in the "slot"
"L" in back-leg and arm
What drives back-arm -- (would you rather be hit with boxers hook or jab)
(Video: Back arm of 4 good hitters)
C. Lead-arm & Casting
Lead-arm - Should boxed elbow extend hands to contact?
(Video: Lead arm of 4 good hitters & Pete Rose clip)
Defining "Casting & Extending
Role of the lead-arm
4 prong tire wrench analogy - (Video: Rose, Bonds & Burrell)
Is casting bad?
Linear theme: All straight movement is good, all circular is bad
Does barring = casting?
If so, does not "casting" = circular hand path
Barred arm & shrugging lead-shoulder
Role of the lead-arm
"Keep hands inside the ball" = linear cue?
The 'cue' and the resulting hand-path
What cause counterproductive casting
Extending "barred arm" without shoulder rotation
D. CHP - (Circular-Hand-Path)
Pulling off the ball
"Bat drag" = "Pulling off the ball" - (Video: Rose example)
How to practice developing a CHP
PathFinder & Rubber hose drill
One-handed drill for generating a CHP
Hook in hand-path & Tilt-a-whirl analogy
Why hide your hands?
E. BHT - (Bottom-Hand-Torque)
"L" in back-leg and arm
What drives back-arm -- (hit with boxers "hook" or "jab")
(Video: back arm of four good hitters)
Lumberjack analogy - Energy expended at contact
What powers follow-through
Rotational Hitting Mechanics that generate bat speed
Rearward rotation of lead-shoulder
(Video: Hitters Exhibiting Good & Poor BHT)
BHT - Applying torque by pulling the bottom-hand back
(Video: Bonds & Burrell BHT mechanics)
Tony Gwynn - Full Extension vs "L" position at contact
Add BHT to CHP
Lead-shoulder rotation - torque & CHP - (Video: Griffey analysis)
Lead-shoulder shrug
A form of "scap loading" the lead-shoulder
Back-arm "L" position - Percentage of torque applied (BHT to THT)
F. PLT & THT - (Pre-Launch Torque) & (Top-Hand-Torque)
THT applied in 2 Phases
Hitters like Bonds and Sosa accelerate the bat-head rearward in two phases
(Videos: Demonstrating THT w/PathFinder & Sosa - PLT to THT)
Rearward bat-head acceleration
Shawn v. Mankin analysis - (Videos: Sosa & overhead clips)
Bat accelerating from PLT into THT
(Videos: PLT to THT mechanics; THT w/PathFinder; Sosa - PLT to THT; 2 Bonds clips)
THT - same mechanics, different names
THT-- Key to a great swing
THT - Thumb of top-hand raking shoulder
THT & BHT - Do great hitters knowingly apply?
THT - Rotational hitting & Transfer mechanics
When I first saw THT being applied (George Brett)
Video:Bonds and Burrell example
(Video: Overhead of John Elliot)
THT & PLT - Sheffield PLT to THT maintains good linkage to rotation
THT - Keeps lead-arm across chest - "A ballistic motion"
THT mechanics
Shoulder tilt & lowering of the elbow
(Add Video: Ryan Howard's mechanics)
THT & Wrist binds
Mechanics that can cause Wrist binds
THT - Can you see THT being applied
THT & slotting the elbow
(Video: Bonds pre-launch torque mechanics)
PLT - Bat vertical or wrapped
PLT - Bonds mechanics
PLT - Loading or un-loading?
PLT - Discussing advantages of applying PLT
G. HITTING THE Inside AND Outside Pitch
Inside/outside mechanics
(Video: Lead-shoulder rotates 60+ degrees more than back-shoulder)
Mark Teixeira - inside/outside mechanics
(Video: Lead shoulder rotates 150 while back shoulder rotates 90)
Hitting the outside pitch
THT & plate coverage
(Video: Reaching the low outside pitch - John & Rose overhead)
Pulling off the ball
Little power to the opposite field are all indicators of "bat-drag"
(Video: Rose and plate coverage)
Big Mac's front knee
Why lead-leg remains bent during contact
The outside pitch - linear vs rotational mechanics
Outside pitch - BHT mechanics vs PFO
Ron Gant & Matt Williams - Limitations of BHT on outside pitches
H. Contact/Bat Drag/Follow-through
"L" in back-leg and arm
What drives back-arm -- (hit with boxers "hook" or "jab")
Insert video - 4 good hitters' back arm
Pulling off the ball not caused by shoulder rotation
(Video: Pete Rose)
Best hit balls pulled foul
Linear mechanics = Bat drag - (Video: Sosa)
Hitting mechanics & the Follow through
(Video: WCWS hitters contact position)
Big Mac's top-hand release
Conditions that make releasing the top-hand necessary
(Video: Animation - McGwire vs Amateur Hitter)
Lumberjack analogy - Energy expended at contact
I. Linear vs Rotational Swing Plane
Swing plane like a tilted flat disc
Lead-arm plane & the swing plane
A-Rod & The Swing Plane
Discussion of frontal and across the plate view - (Video: comparison clips)
PLT & the swing plane
Wrist-binds & waves in the swing plane
THT & the swing plane
Rearward force must be inline from lead-arm
"Swing down vs swing up at the ball"
(Video: bat up slope to contact)
Swing down - But behind not in front
Looping swing - Collapsing back-side
Causes of plane flaws - Discussion of initiation problems
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